Monday 12 October 2015

planning and pitching

what is pitching and planning

It is Putting a project on site asking for funding for their idea. Planning and Pitching to develop a media product is very important. This is because it is is used to plan and gather the equipment you need for your idea such as, how are you going make it? What with? And how? This will help plan before you even made before start to publish it. This will help everybody work together and know what they are supposed to do for the subject. The trouble with this is that there is chance that you will the get funding you need like the film idea when pigs fly or you will not get funded for your idea or you will not. 

pitching ad planning might look easy but it actually quite hard and cost for the producers. you need to be funded for the production of it and the design of it such as you need it for the cameras, props for it, the materials, and payment of the workers. for my idea the only cost that be taken in account is the software that you need for my project which is Photoshop, but it is free to use a school or college but at my own house. I would have pay for the software myself.

For me I would like to create a poster about safety of drugs and alcohol and why you should take these substances. My target audience’s age group would be about 16-21 and for gender I would make it suitable for males and females; it will be design so it will be able to understand, scroll to zoom in and easy to access.

Planning and pitching is used in many places such as a radio company, film producers, TV stations and websites, there are many suggestions.
Here are some examples:

·    1.Dragons den

·    2.The apprentice

·    3.Kick starter

This product I am making is to inform people on how to make the poster from the instruction they can take form my poster so they can do it themselves. We will add some techniques to it so some people who can understand it or they have a disability such as dyslexia.

For this course of planning and pitching, I would like to create my idea on adobe Photoshop Cs using many of the tools such as the magnetic lasso tool, magic wand tool, paint bucket tool and other tools that is of use. With this I would be able to make the poster I want which is the drug safety poster. Which will but suitable for anybody to read.

I am going to create a poster from photoshop about the dangers and risks of consuming or having anything to do with drugs and alcohol and that to do to make it right if you have a connection of it. 

I am going to create my poster in photoshop using many of the tools that photoshop has to offer. first it will create the background of the poster by searching the background on the internet which will high virtuosity of colour  then i will go to and filter menu, click filter gallery and change it to the tile setting with no 1 edge width so it will give off a nice of the effect of colour. i will also find a boarder to put around my poster to make it stand out more and look more appealing. After i finish with the background i will get a picture of the both alcohol and drugs so they will know what it looks like also, i might also get a picture or articles of what a person looked like they before they took drugs and after or people who have died to these substances to give the viewer a thought in mind  when they might think about consuming the substance. i will add text that will be appealing to the viewers something unique. I will present this on how i made this by using print screens on the website on the poster.
I am creating the poster on photoshop because it is the easiest for me because it am familiar with the software  to create and get strait to the point. i can use many of the tools to make the poster look very interesting. 

Here are the stages of pitch and plan
Step 1-preparation:
Define your audience
Distill your message
Consider your presentation requirements
Decide on your printing method
Organize your information

Step 2-designs for impact:
Using backgrounds and color effectively
Leaving space
Creating legible text
Using graphics of impact

Step 3-poster construction:
CorelDraw instruction and template
PowerPoint instruction and template

Step 4-poster construction:


what is Logistic?
organisation and delivery of all stages of a project

What are resources?
all equipment facilities people, knowledge needed to make a project happen.

I have also discussed this with my tutor Kevin who have given me suggestion of have my ideas can be developed this is a example of verbal generations other examples of verbal generation could include meetings and group discussions.

Ideas could also be made visually which is called visual generation od ideas here are some examples mood boards, mind maps, sketches and power points  

Irealise that it is very important to be organized 

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